The International Fellowship for
Regions Of Amateur Radio
The following information is provided to record the very real attempt to prevent the dissolution of ROAR by RI


Vernon Readhead- Chair, 2022-23 & 2023-24;
Edward Tyler- Past President, 2022-23 & 2023-24;
Craig Bledsoe- VP USCB West, 2022-23;
Philip Byrne- VP ANZO, 2022-23;
Arnold Campbell- VP CENAEM, 2022-23;
Gustavo de Faria Franco- VP SACAMA, 2022-23;
Chihiro Kawai- VP Japan, 2022-23;
Max Raicha- VP Africa, 2022-23;
Joe Spears- VP USCB East, 2022-23;
Brian Whittaker- VP RIBI, 2022-23;
Lindsay Pearson- Treasurer, 2022-23;
Diane Main- Secretary, 2022-23;
William Main- Webmaster, 2022-23;


Dear leaders of the ROAR Fellowship,  

At their 25 May meeting, the RI Board of Directors determined ROAR failed to meet the criteria established by the RI Board during their April 2023 meeting. While the Fellowship did update its 2021-22 Annual Report, the general secretary received two versions of updated bylaws. The following two established criteria were not met:    

1. resolve election and governance disputes in an amicable manner; 

2. confirm resolution of governance disputes with a joint letter from the Fellowships’ leadership. 

As such, the Board has decided to terminate the ROAR Fellowship effective 25 May, 2023. The Board has also placed a moratorium on the formation of a fellowship with a similar focus for a period of two years.  
In keeping the Board’s decision, the general secretary asks ROAR’s leadership to take the following steps:  

·       Inform RI that you have received this notice by responding to this message 

·       Send an official notification to all chapter leaders and active members in the fellowship regarding the Board’s decision to terminate, with a copy to; 

·       Remove all webpages, social media pages, or publications; 

·       Discontinue using the Rotary Mark and references to ROAR Fellowship in any communications or publications. 

·       Donate all remaining funds to The Rotary Foundation. 

We thank your members and leaders for all your work in this Fellowship and wish you well in your respective endeavors.  
Rotary Fellowships Staff


Tel. +1.847.866.3408