Sunday 26 November 2023
- 0700z Digital Net From Bill VK4ZD Phil
VK2MCB, John ZL2JPM, Nick G4HCK, Malcolm VK4/PA3AHC and I were
present 0700z - 0730z
Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill VK4ZD Peter VK3KCD was 56 and gave me 43-6
0730z - 0830z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz From
Bill VK4ZD
Peter VK3KCD on frequency but not heard Malcolm VK4/PA3AHC
heard all calling from Europe Phil F5FCH was 55-67 and gave
me 57-8 John ZL2JPM was 57 and gave me 57 Zenek SP5INQ
(visitor) was 57 and gave me 59 Bob G3SZF was 54 and gave me
57 Nick G4HCK was 56 and gave me 56 Jacques F4FCW was 57-8
and gave me59 Diane VK4DI contacted Phil (and Ghis) F5FCH at
0736z We went QRT at 0757z
0900 - 0930Z UK 80m Net on 3.694
+/- From Bob G3SZF
G7OAI John was net control and joined by G3JJR John G3SZF
Bob G3VNT Lindsay Conditions and reports were fine around
UK. Interesting chat about various Rotary events and Radio
activity, Bob reported joining the earlier 20m net and remiinded
members about the upcoming ZOOM meeting. Another enjoyable net,
73s to Brian and other listeners.
0730z - 0800z Tuesday November 28th EUR net on 14,294 +/-
2KHz From Bill VK4ZD Phil F5FCH was 57 and gave
me 59 and gave John ZL2JPM 51 John ZL2JPM was 56 and gave me
54-5 Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 56-7 and gave me 56-7 Bob G3SZF
was 53-4 and gave me 56 Nick G4HCK was 55-6 and gave me 55-6
We went QRT at 0757z From Bob G3SZF
A quick call before the ZOOM
meeting, not great condx on 20m, Bill VK4ZD 5/7 Jean-Pierre 5/9
on the radio best
73 Phil VK2MCB