Latest Weekly Report
For January 21st to January 23rd 2024
Collated by Phil VK2MCB

Sunday 21 January 2024
Note the monthly Zoom meeting will return on Tuesday 30 January 2024 starting at 0730 Zulu. 
Joining instructions at the end of this report.

0730z - 0800z Digital Net
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil VK2MCB, John ZL2JPM, Nick G4HCK and I were present.
0800z - 0830z Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
John ZL2JPM was 57 and gave me 56
Peter VK3KCD was 59 and gave me 48-9
Tony VK4PA (visitor) was 59+ and provided interference to the net (initially without ID)

0830z - 0930z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil F5FCH was 57 and gave me 58-9
Peter VK3KCD was 57 and gave me 59+10 and gave Phil 36
Bob G3SZF was 55 and gave me 58
Malcolm PA3AHC was 33
John ZL2JPM was 57-8 and gave me 59
Jonny DL7ABA was 22 and gave me 57 (relayed by Phil)
Nick G4HCK was 56 and gave me 59
We went QRT at 0905z

0900 - 0930Z UK 80m Net on 3.694 +/-
From Bob G3SZF
G7OAI John was net control and joined by
G3JJR John
PA3AHC Malcolm
G3VNT Lindsay
Conditions and reports were good and Malcolm was a reasonable signal only interrupted by continental QRM. Another enjoyable net covering Rotary and Radio activities. 73s to Brian and other listeners.

73s Bob G3SZF
0830z - 0900z Tuesday  January 23rd EUR net on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Phil VK2MCB
Phil F5FCH was 56-and gave me 58-9
Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 56
Bob G3SZF was 55 and gave me 57-8
Nick G4HCK was 56 and gave me 59+
Malcolm PA3AHC was 43 and gave me 57
Alain F4GHB (visitor) was 58 and gave me 59+
After officially closing the net I worked the following:
at 0910z Frank ON3FDT and I exchanged 55 reports
at 0914z Tom LB1GF was 56 and gave me 58-9
at 0918z Robert G4TUK was 58-9 and gave me 59
We went QRT at 0925z

From Bob G3SZF
A good gathering and refreshing to have reasonable copy of our European members.
Joining Instructions for the Monthly Zoom Meeting Tuesday 30 January at 0730 Z/UTC
From Nicholas G4HCK

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 846 8561 6131
Passcode: 837503

73s, Phil VK2MCB