Sunday 12 January 2025
- 0730z Digital Net From Bill
VK2MCB, John ZL2JPM, Nick G4HCK and I were present 0730z - 0800z
Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill
Peter VK3KCD was 35 and gave me 47
0800z - 0900z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill
VK4ZD Peter VK3KCD was 58-9 and gave me 59+10 - 59+20 and
gave Jacques 33 Phil F5FCH was 45 and gave me 57-8 Jonni
DL7ABA gave me 22 John ZL2JPM was 55-6 peaking 57 Jacques
F4FCW was 58 and gave me 59+10 and gave Peter 42 and gave John
32 ZL1ZJH was 57 and gave me 59 John ZL2JPM was 57 and
gave me 58 and gave Nick 21 Zenek SP5INQ was 55-6 and gave me
59+5 - 59+10 Nick G4HCK and I exchanged 55 reports and gave
John 23 Bob G3SZF was 22 and gave me 4? We went QRT at
0900z - 0930z UK 80m Net on 3.694
+/- From Bob G3SZF G3SZF Bob was net
control and joined by G3JJR John G7OAI John Reasonable
condx, and a good catch up on Rotary and Radio activity. 73s to
Brian G3LUW and other listeners.
0800z - 0830z Tuesday January 14th EUR net on 14,294 +/-
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil F5FCH was 54-55 and gave me 57-8 and gave Jacques 55
John ZL2JPM was 55-7 and gave me the same and gave Jacques 55
Jacques F4FCW was 57-8 and gave me 59+ and gave John 32 Bob
G3SZF was 33-54 and gave me 47 We went QRT at 0830z
From Bob G3SZF Tues
14/01/25. Listened from 0800Z, huge contest and bacon-frying QRM
but good to catch Bill VK4ZD towards the end of the net.
Happy New Year and 73s Phil VK2MCB