Sunday 2 February 2025
- 0730z Digital Net From Bill
I was not available for this sched 0730z - 0800z
Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill
I was not available for this sched
0800z - 0900z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz
From Bill
I was not available for this sched
0900z - 0930z UK 80m Net on 3.694
+/- From Bob G3SZF G7OAI John was net
control and joined by G3JJR John G3SZF Bob Good condx
around UK, and a good catch up on Rotary and Radio activity.
73s to Brian G3LUW and other listeners.
0800z - 0830z Tuesday February 4th EUR net on 14,294 +/-
From Bill VK4ZD
Phil F5FCH was 56-7 and gave me 57-8 Jonni DL7ABA was 11 here
Bob G3SZF was 55 and gave me 57 Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 56 and
gave me 57 Joe PA3THP (visitor) was 44 and gave me 45 We
went QRT at 0840z
From Bob
G3SZF Tues 04/02/25: Good condx for 20m net, VK and
all EU signals copyable
73s Phil VK2MCB