Sunday 24 December 2023
- 0700z Digital Net From Bill VK4ZD No Sched on
Xmas Eve 0700z - 0730z
Anzo Net on 7,135 +5-10KHz
From Bill VK4ZD No Sched on Xmas Eve
0730z - 0830z LP to Europe on 14,294 +/- 2KHz From
Bill VK4ZD
No Sched on Xmas Eve
0900 - 0930Z UK 80m Net on 3.694
+/- From Bob G3SZF
0730z - 0800z Tuesday December 26th EUR net on 14,294 +/-
2KHz From Bill VK4ZD
I had storm static crashes peaking S8
Mario DL8WT (visitor) was 57-8 and gave me 55 building to 57-8
Jean-Pierre F1CFA was 44-55 and gave
me 53-4 No others were heard. We went QRT ay 0800z
Note that there will be no Zoom meeting in December. The
next will be scheduled for the end of January.
Note also that the nets scheduled over the holiday
period are as follows:
Sunday December 24th - no
net Tuesday December 26th - Yes net Sunday 31st - Yes net
Tuesday 2nd Jan - Yes net Sunday 7th Jan - Yes net Tuesday
9th Jan - Yes net Sunday 14th Jan - no net (Bill away )
Tuesday 16th Jan - no net (Bill away) Sunday 21st Jan - Yes
73 Phil VK2MCB